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I work as Project Leader at Livework São Paulo, seeking to develop innovative solutions that deliver value to companies and improve people’s lives. I have been working with service design and innovation for 8 years and I have more than 20 years of experience as an executive in the marketing field. I am an architect and urbanist from FAUUSP, administrator, master and doctor in business administration from EAESP/FGV.

Silvia Pena Design Leader

She has worked for more than 20 years as an executive in the area of strategic marketing, in addition to having experience in service design and innovation. Silvia acts as a project leader, managing teams to develop solutions that deliver value to our customers and improve people’s lives. She holds a Master’s and a PhD in Business Administration from EAESP / FGV, Architect and Urban Planner from FAUUSP and Service Designer from EISE.

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